Why do my feet hurt after work? 15 tips to find relief

January 23, 2024

Why do my feet hurt after work? 15 tips to find relief

Ever had that moment when you kick off your shoes after a long day, and your feet just scream, “Thank you!”? You're not alone. 

For many of us, the end of the workday comes with a not-so-pleasant side of foot pain. It's something all workers feel, from bustling kitchens to buzzing offices. But why do our feet have to bear the brunt of our daily grind? And, more importantly, how can we soothe them?

In this article, we're diving into the whys and hows of post-work foot pain. And yes, the right footwear, like a pair of comfy Kiziks, can be a real game-changer. 

Stick with us to discover tips and tricks to keep your feet happy—no matter how long your shift is. 

What causes foot pain?

Foot pain after a long workday can come from several sources. Here are the common culprits:

  • Standing for long periods: Jobs that require constant standing put excessive pressure on your feet. Over time, this can lead to discomfort and pain.
  • Unsupportive footwear: Not all shoes are created equal. Shoes lacking proper support can fail to cushion your feet adequately, leading to pain.
  • Medical conditions: Issues like plantar fasciitis, flat feet, or arthritis can intensify foot pain after standing or walking for extended periods. 
  • Poor posture: How you stand and walk can impact your foot health. Incorrect posture can distribute weight unevenly, causing pain and discomfort.

It's not just about the hours you spend on your feet but how you spend them. The daily demands of work, combined with how we treat our feet, play a big role in why we might end up with sore soles when it’s time to clock out. 

How can I relieve foot pain?

Understanding these factors is the first step toward finding relief and keeping your feet feeling great, even after the longest shifts.

Tip 1: Choose the right footwear

The first step (pun intended!) to happier feet is slipping into the right shoes. Footwear that provides ample support and cushioning makes a world of difference. Here's what to look for:

  • Arch support: Shoes with good arch support distribute weight evenly, reducing stress on your feet.
  • Cushioned sole: A cushioned sole absorbs impact and provides comfort, which is especially important if you're standing on hard surfaces.
  • Proper fit: Shoes that are too tight or too loose can lead to problems. Look for a snug, comfortable fit.
  • Breathable material: Shoes made from breathable material help keep your feet dry and comfortable.

Kiziks offer a great example here. Their supportive design and easy slip-on functionality make them perfect for those who need both comfort and convenience during busy workdays.

Tip 2: Take breaks for movement

Don't let your work keep you from moving. Make sure to take regular breaks to move around, especially if your job involves long periods of standing or sitting (office workers, that’s you.) 

Short walks or a quick stretch can help increase blood circulation and relieve tension in your feet. A bonus? It also gives your mind a refreshing break!

Tip 3: Regular stretching

Incorporating foot stretches into your daily routine can help alleviate and prevent foot pain. Try these simple stretches:

  • Toe raises: Lift your toes while keeping your heels on the ground. This stretch helps strengthen the muscles in your feet and ankles.
  • Arch rolls: Using a tennis ball or a similar object, roll your foot over it to massage and stretch the arch.
  • Ankle rotations: Lift one foot off the ground and rotate your ankle in both directions. This improves flexibility and blood circulation.

Just a few minutes of stretching before and after work can improve flexibility in your feet and make them less prone to discomfort.

Tip 4: Invest in quality socks

Never underestimate the power of a good pair of socks. They can complement your comfortable shoes to create a dream team for your feet! Opt for breathable socks and cushioning, especially in the heel and ball of the foot. 

Whether with a pair of cushiony Kiziks or any other work boot, you’ll notice the difference. Well-fitted, quality socks are your first line of defense against foot fatigue.

Tip 5: Proper posture

Your posture affects your entire body—including your feet. Maintaining good posture ensures that your body weight is evenly distributed, reducing unnecessary strain on your feet. 

Here’s how to maintain a foot-friendly posture:

  • Stand tall: Keep your back straight and shoulders back. Avoid slouching or leaning to one side.
  • Even weight distribution: Make sure your weight is evenly distributed on both feet. Avoid standing on one foot for extended periods.
  • Use a footrest: If you’re sitting for long periods, a footrest can help maintain proper alignment and relieve pressure.

Being mindful of how you stand and sit can significantly reduce the likelihood of foot pain after a long day at work. Remember, your feet are the foundation of your body, and taking care of them is crucial for overall well-being.

Tip 6: Hydrate and maintain a balanced diet

Staying well-hydrated and maintaining a balanced diet can make a big positive impact on your feet. 

Nutrition plays a crucial role in maintaining foot health. Here are some tips:

    • Drink plenty of water: Water keeps tissues in the body (including those in your feet) supple and healthy. Staying hydrated can also prevent swelling and inflammation, which could contribute to foot pain.
    • Eat a nutrient-rich diet: A diet rich in essential vitamins and minerals can help prevent various foot-related issues. Vitamin B and magnesium are particularly beneficial in maintaining nerve health and preventing foot cramps.
  • Keep a healthy weight: The more you weigh, the more everyday strain you’ll put on your feet. A well-balanced diet will prevent significant weight gain and ensure you keep your feet from feeling overloaded.
  • Tip 7: Soak your feet

    Immerse your weary feet in a warm foot bath after a long day at work. The warmth of the water can soothe minor aches and pains, relax muscles, and help ease the stress carried by your feet. 

    You can elevate this experience by adding Epsom salts, which are known to reduce swelling and tension. Just make sure the water isn’t too hot and is a relaxing temperature.

    Tip 8: Mindful walking

    Paying attention to how you walk can significantly impact your foot health. Mindful walking ensures that your feet strike the ground in a way that minimizes stress and maximizes comfort.

    • Heel-to-toe walking: Practice walking by rolling your foot from heel to toe with each step, which helps distribute your body weight evenly.
    • Consider shoe choice: Our Hands-Free Kiziks are designed to support natural foot movements and can encourage proper walking habits without compromising comfort or style.

    Tip 9: Get the proper orthotic inserts

    Consider investing in custom orthotic inserts if you have flat feet or high arches. These are designed to align your feet correctly and promote balanced body posture. They’ll also evenly distribute the pressure across your feet. 

    Orthotics can help ease foot discomfort, especially for those whose jobs require long hours of standing or walking. However, it's smart to consult a podiatrist before making any final decisions.

    Tip 10: Lightweight exercise

    Lightweight exercises can be incredibly beneficial for your feet. Activities like swimming, cycling, or yoga put minimal stress on your feet while improving overall strength and flexibility.

    • Swimming: The buoyancy of water supports your body weight, allowing you to exercise without putting pressure on your feet.
    • Cycling: A low-impact exercise that helps strengthen your legs and feet without the harsh impact of running.
    • Yoga: Focuses on balance and flexibility, which can be particularly beneficial for foot strength and alignment.

    Tip 11: Elevate your feet

    After a long day at work, elevating your feet can contribute immensely to your comfort. By propping your feet up at a level above your heart, you can boost blood circulation and significantly reduce foot discomfort. This can be a real relief for those who spend their whole day on their feet. 

    The process works by allowing accumulated fluids that can cause swelling and discomfort to drain away. So take a few moments when you get home from work to recline and prop those tired feet up! 

    Tip 12: Cold and heat therapy

    Alternating between cold and heat therapies can provide relief for tired, aching feet. A warm compress can help increase blood flow and alleviate stiffness, while a cold compress can help reduce tension and swelling. 

    Just remember to always wrap any hot or cold items in a cloth before applying them to your skin to avoid any unwanted temperature shocks or burns. Both therapies, used in moderation, can significantly reduce foot pain and provide much-needed relief after a long workday.

    Tip 13: Meditate and relax

    Believe it or not, stress can contribute to physical discomfort, including in your feet. Practicing mindful meditation or relaxation techniques can help reduce overall stress levels.

    • Deep breathing: Regular deep breathing exercises can help relax your body, including the muscles in your feet.
    • Guided meditation: Techniques that focus on relaxation and stress reduction can indirectly benefit foot health by reducing body-wide tension.

    Tip 14: Opt for hands-free shoes

    Bidding goodbye to long days shouldn't mean fussing over laces or shoe straps. That's why we designed the world’s best hands-free slip-on shoes

    Using our patented HandsFree Labs® technology, Kiziks let you simply step in and out with effortless ease. No tying, no adjusting—just step in and go. 

    Apart from the no-hassle freedom, Kiziks come packed with comfort-centric design, ensuring your feet get the support and cushioning they need. In essence, we've poured everything we know about comfort and convenience into making Kiziks your preferred choice every single day.

    Tip 15: See a podiatrist

    Persistent foot pain is not something to be ignored. If you've tried different methods and the pain persists, it's time to see a podiatrist. A podiatrist is a foot and ankle specialist who can diagnose and provide appropriate treatment for various foot-related issues. 

    Ignoring persistent foot pain may lead to chronic problems down the line, so it's important to seek medical attention when necessary.

    A final word

    Your feet are vital. They're your loyal companions throughout your every day. They carry you through the hustle and bustle of life. After a hard day's work, they yearn for an oasis of comfort—this is where Kizik comes in.

    At Kizik, our mission is to transform each step you take into a journey of comfort. With innovative technology and thoughtfully crafted designs, our shoes redefine easy-wear footwear. 

    Each pair we make embodies our commitment to comfort, illustrating that every stride matters. So after a long day, kick off the stress, slide into your Kiziks, and let your feet breathe a sigh of relief. 

    With Kizik, you don’t just wear a shoe—you embrace a lifestyle where comfort meets ease. 


    Basic Facts about Foot Problems | Aging & Health A-Z | American Geriatrics Society | HealthInAging.org

    Foot Pain: Causes & Treatment | Cleveland Clinic 

    The arch support insoles show benefits | PMC 

    Diabetes and Your Feet | CDC 

    Sleeping with Legs Elevated: Benefits and Drawbacks | Sleep Advisor 

    7 surprising ways stress can affect your body | Kaiser Permanente 

    Written By: Chris Fry

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